Core Suzuki Program
- Individual lesson each week varying from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on level.
- On-going parent education with parent playing skill development included to the end of Book 1.
- Group repertoire lessons once to twice per month by instrument and level
- Graduation recognition, solo recitals and group concerts.
- Students of advanced program may be available to mentor practise sessions of less advanced students.
Some pre-reading activities are a part of group repertoire lessons. Formal reading begins by the end of Book 1, depending on age, with I Can Read Music, Martin. Supplementary etudes, and repertoire are a part of individual and group lessons by Book 2 level. String ensemble (cross instrument) participation is possible by Book 3 level.
ROYAL CONSERVATORY of MUSIC – practical and theory study
Music theory study begins by the Book 2 level, with examination required at Level 5+. Royal Conservatory practical examinations are possible with Level being determined by scales correlating with study of Suzuki repertoire. See also THEORY, HISTORY and PIANO LESSONS.
Theory Violin Viola Cello syllabi of the Royal Conservatory
SKYPE LESSONS are available if personal attendance at lessons is not possible due to illness, weather, or travel